

“The most unique feature of this recording is use of a baritone instead of the traditional mezzo-soprano for three of the songs. This is the first recording I have found that has tried such a combination, and it works well because of the warmth of Zeller’s voice. When he sings of beautiful maiden who yearns for the handsome young man in “Von der Schöenheit” (“Of Beauty”), he delivers the text gorgeously.  And he sings the last words of the piece “ewig… ewig” (“forever… forever”) in a haunting way that lasts and lasts.”
— James Bash | Northwest Reverb
“…that two voices as strong as those of tenor Robert Breault and baritone Richard Zeller can be found to accompany any ensemble. Breault and Zeller sing with impeccable diction and passionate intensity. Their performances compare favorably to other artists such as tenor René Kollo and baritone Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau who have done this work. In many respects, the singing is superior to other performed and recorded renditions, including the one this writer heard in Amsterdam with the Concertgebouw Orchestra some four months ago.”
— David S. Bernstein | Oregon Arts Watch
“I find [the performance] to be quite sympathetic with true Mahlerian style, and utterly convincing in its dramatic thrust. Breault and Zeller are both accomplished musicians that…are fully capable of pulling it off in fine fashion, while the Martingale Ensemble…turns in an outstanding performance, recorded in excellent sound… many [listeners] will enjoy these excellent readings.”
— Steven Ritter | Audiophile Audition | 2014

“Performing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is no ordinary event. To end its 2017-18 season on Friday night, the Grand Rapids Symphony (GRS) and the 140-member Grand Rapids Symphony Chorus rose to the occasion...Baritone Richard Zeller and the chorus sang impactful lines selected from the original text.”
— Samara Napolitan | Revue | 2018